In the Light

In the Light is a 3 minutes narrative micro-short film, following the challenges of a girl who is trapped in a beam of light, in a mysterious dark room.

Directed by Mark Herpai

Written by Mark Herpai

Produced by Universidade Lusófona

Key Cast María Viña López

Crew Joana Correia, Maria Ribeiro

Special thanks to Julia Pokol

Film type: short

Genre: drama / surreal

Runtime: 3 minutes

Release date: 2019

Language: language free

Film color: color

Screenings: Lisbon Film Rendezvous / 300 Seconds Short Film Festival/ KinoDrome: International Motion Picture & Screenplay Festival

In the Light has won 1st place at the 2019 KinoDrome: International Motion Picture & Screenplay Festival.

Behind the scenes: