
Syrolm is narrative animated short film, following of the adventure of the Táltos an old Hungarian folklore hero who is liberating the countryside from the evil spells of the Garabonciás. Syrolm was the final diploma work for the crew after finishing their BA at METU.

Directed by Zoltan Turkovich

Written by Gergo Bakro-Nagy, Benjamin Dettai, Zoltan Turkovich, Gitta Weber

Produced by METU

Key Cast Robert Bolla, Andras Kern, Peter Kalloy-Molnar, Zita Weber, Mario Rigo

Production designer Gitta Weber

Backgrounds Gitta Weber, Benjamin Dettai

Animation Zoltan Turkovich, Gergo Bakro-Nagy, Mark Herpai, Gitta Weber

VFX Mark Herpai

Sound design and editing Gergo Bakro-Nagy

Foley Benjamin Dettai, Gergo Bakro-Nagy

Music Aron Gauder, Janos Fabi, Zomblaze, Matamono

Cameraman Peter Voros

Special thanks to Aron Gauder

Film type: short / animation

Genre: action / adventure / fantasy / historical

Runtime: 13 minutes

Release date: 2016

Language: Hungarian

Film color: color

Screenings: METU